Category Archive: For Educators

Supporting you with tough conversations in the days ahead

Posted in: For Educators

This has been an unprecedented, tumultuous time – and we all watched in horror yesterday at an assault on our democracy. This violence and chaos in our hometown, and particularly on the Capitol of our beloved country, was beyond the pale and will have repercussions beyond our government. We know... Read more

selection of books on the table

More Free Books for Teachers

As an educator or program leader serving children in need who needs books and supplies, you use the options at your disposal to maximize your students’ learning experience. You’ve just recently signed up with First Book… now what?  When funding is available through sponsors and partners, we’ll send an email to you to let... Read more

Mo-Love for Mo Willems

From heartwarming stories featuring lively, unforgettable characters to virtual events connecting young creators to their wide imagination, all through May, we’ve celebrated everything Author Mo Willems. Educators and parents recognize the genius in Mo’s storytelling — how he introduces social concepts and provides solutions to various situations, all while entertaining... Read more