Category Archive: Our Bookshelf

Nine Books to Teach Kids About Body Positivity

Posted in: Our Bookshelf

This guest post was written by Audrey Vinkenes, a First Book Marketing and Communications Intern. She is currently a grad student at the University of Helsinki in Helsinki, Finland. It’s never too early to encourage children to feel positive about their bodies! According to the University of Michigan C.S. Mott... Read more

smiling girl Dorothy costume halloween

10 Scary (And Semi-Scary) Stories for Kids and Teens

Posted in: Our Bookshelf

Scary stories let readers explore their fears or indulge their cravings for high-stimulation content in a safe, controlled space – between the pages of a book. To help you get started, the wonderful team behind the curation of First Book’s Marketplace has selected 10 books that offer gentle seasonal content... Read more

two dads with their child, pride month book list

16 Books to Learn About & Celebrate Pride Month

Posted in: Our Bookshelf

This guest post was written by Joey Mathis, a First Book Marketing and Communication intern. She is currently an undergrad student at Hollins University in Roanoke, Virginia.  The Pride book list was curated by Lee Butler, First Book’s Senior Cataloging Manager. Every June, First Book celebrates Pride Month as part of... Read more

hispanic heritage month, kids in front of a school bus

Books to Help You Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

Posted in: Our Bookshelf

September marks an important shift in the year – students are back in the classroom, the season shifts to fall, and we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. September 15 officially marks the first day of our annual celebration with the date also marks the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries.... Read more

Middle school girl reading a book at her desk

Brave Journeys: Free Resource for Teachers and Counselors

Posted in: Our Bookshelf

Guest blog post written by Susanne Marcus, twice president of NYS TESOL. She recently retired as ENL teacher for the Great Neck Public Schools, where she continues to offer PD, and teaches in their intensive summer ENL/SIFE program. The safest place for my immigrant students to explore their emotions is in their English Language... Read more

diagonal book list compilation for stamped book list

If You Liked Stamped, Read These 24 Books Next

Posted in: Our Bookshelf

The racial injustice and inequity against Black Americans in our nation, both recently and historically, has sparked difficult conversations surrounding race and racism. With the hope to develop an understanding of the Black experience, many educators have turned to books to help facilitate these conversations. We are shining a light... Read more

riley in a toy cart reading go dog go

Dog Days of Summer: The Ultimutt Book List

Posted in: Our Bookshelf

Today I learned that the dog days of summer actually refer to this time of year when the sun occupies the same region of the sky as Sirius, the brightest star visible from Earth and part of the constellation Canis Major (The Greater Dog). But for our First Book Title... Read more

image of a young woman laying in the grass, smiling and reading a book. There is light blue boxes with purple text that say, 'Share Your Favorite Summer Read for Our New Online Album. Take a selfie with your favorite summer read and upload it by July 22 to celebrate our First Book family and the work we’re doing together! Send your selfie.'