Author Archive: Marissa Wasseluk

Q&A with Gaia Cornwall, Author of Jabari Jumps

Posted in: Author Voices

Gaia Cornwall is an illustrator and children’s book author, best known for her book Jabari Jumps. We asked her about her creative process, what it’s like to read her book with children, and her tips on being brave. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. Why This Story?... Read more

First Book Response to Charlottesville

Posted in: Focus on First Book

The following is a statement by Kyle Zimmer, President, CEO and Co-founder, First Book: Our nation is reeling from the unrest in Charlottesville and the hateful rhetoric that is reverberating across the country. These groups and their acts of bigotry, racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, Islamophobia, transphobia, and homophobia are repulsive and counter... Read more

Welcoming Week: Q&A with Author Anne Sibley O’Brien

Posted in: Author Voices

Welcoming Week is a special time of year. Communities across the country will come together to celebrate and raise awareness of immigrants, refugees and new Americans of all kinds. Whether it’s an event at your local art gallery or showing support on social media, the goal is to let anyone... Read more