All I Ever Wanted… Stories of Children of the Incarcerated

Posted in: Author Voices

"All I Ever Wanted…" is a very special book, written by nine young people with parents in prison and one older woman looking back, with the goal of helping others to know how it feels to go through the rites of passage of childhood and adolescence without a father or mother, and how it feels to suddenly find out the truth. Read more

Brave Journeys: Beyond Accents and Silences

Today’s blog is a guest post, by Natalia Chamorro, Stony Brook University PhD candidate in Hispanic Languages and Literature and a Regional Economic Development Council/New York State Council on the Arts Fellow for Herstory Writers Workshop, the publishers of “Brave Journeys/Pasos Valientes” – a book that tells the stories of... Read more

And Now, Es Mi Turno…

Posted in: For Educators

Today’s blog is a guest post by Erika Duncan, executive and artistic director of HerStory Writers Workshop. Find Brave Journeys/Pasos Valientes on the First Book Marketplace. ************************************************************ “Who has the courage to read this week’s story in English?” Mr. Hogu asks his students, who are not only new to Hempstead... Read more