Category Archive: Impact Stories

"They line up outside of the library…"

Posted in: Impact Stories

The kids at Herricks Middle School in Albertson, New York love to learn. In fact, every morning many of them line up outside of the library before school starts, eager to trade in their latest read for a new story. For some of the students, the books they receive at... Read more

The Only Present She’ll Receive This Holiday

Posted in: Impact Stories

Today’s guest blogger is Mollie James, Executive Director of Bruce Irons Camp Fund in Charlotte, North Carolina. Under glowing lights sits a single gift in crisp wrapping paper. Since it arrived at Carolina’s home a few days ago, her hopes have soared. For Carolina, the book that awaits her may... Read more

Why My Students Hide Their Backpacks

Posted in: Impact Stories

Today’s guest blogger is Sheri Dominguez, Media Specialist at Palmview Elementary School in Pompano Beach, Florida. When the final bell rings at Palmview Elementary, some of my students make one stop before heading home – the bushes outside of school. That is where they hide their backpacks for the night.... Read more

Books for Babies

Posted in: Impact Stories

Today’s guest blogger is Veronica Creech, Director of Partner Engagement at First Book. When you open a book for a baby, their eyes light up. They’re fascinated by the contrast of the colors. They marvel at words as you read to them. What these little ones don’t know is that... Read more

Shelves Filled with Books of All Sizes And Colors

Posted in: Impact Stories

Today’s Guest Blogger is Susan Brunecz, an Instructional Coach at Paul L. Dunbar Academy in Cleveland, Ohio. When our students entered their classes on the first day of school two weeks ago, a roar of excitement erupted! They had just laid eyes on their new classroom libraries. Their shelves were... Read more

child reading a book

Children Should Have Books

Posted in: Impact Stories

Diane Brownstone grew up one block from the nearest public library. She attributes her love of literature to her early proximity to books. “The public library of my youth gave me an addiction to books that has enriched my life.  My wish is to give this experience and pleasure to... Read more

300,000 Books for Kids to Take Home

Posted in: Impact Stories

Rochester, New York was recently ranked one of the poorest cities in the United States. More than half of its children live in poverty. But on an early summer day, the students in the Rochester City School District have a spring in their step as they walk down the hallway... Read more

Our Crazy Summer Reading Program Was A Go!

Today’s Guest Blogger is Amy Bartilotti, the Communities in Schools Site Coordinator at Bellwood Elementary School in Chesterfield, VA. Summer is particularly difficult for kids from low-income families. With few books at home and limited access to libraries, they often fall behind. Last year, my colleagues and I decided to... Read more

The Right Book at the Right Time

Posted in: Impact Stories

Today’s blog post is part of our Stories For All Project series, focused on sharing the latest announcements and impact stories about our effort to put diverse, inclusive books into the hands of kids. Today’s guest blogger is Melissa Spradlin, Executive Director of Book’em in Nashville, TN. Every day I... Read more

image of a young woman laying in the grass, smiling and reading a book. There is light blue boxes with purple text that say, 'Share Your Favorite Summer Read for Our New Online Album. Take a selfie with your favorite summer read and upload it by July 22 to celebrate our First Book family and the work we’re doing together! Send your selfie.'