Educators Continue to Reach Students in Need, Despite School Closures

From online lessons to virtual field trips, the Covid-19 outbreak has completely changed how educators are reaching their students, especially in low-income communities. The First Book community of educators are at the forefront, providing kids in need and their families access to basic needs and resources through a wide range of initiatives.

“We are encouraging reading as the best way for kids to be ready to return to learn after the shut-down is over. We are promoting reading for fun.” – First Book Member, Bronson, Michigan
“We are a Title 1, faith-based school looking for physical books for families that don’t have technology. We are setting up a “grab and go” station for basic and survival supplies for families in need.” – First Book Member, Brooklyn, NY
“We have 23 sites within Sioux City where we are serving “grab and go” breakfast and lunch, Monday through Friday to children ages 1-18. On the first day we handed out over 4,000 bags. Some of our schools have over 90% of students that qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. All sites are Title I or qualifying sites of high poverty.” – First Book Member, Sioux City, IA

Although much has been put into place to ensure that kids in need have what they require to thrive, many educators have expressed that more must be done.

“School has been discontinued for the foreseeable future. Students live in a remote area; many do not have home internet or have very limited internet access. Having extra reading materials will be beneficial.” – First Book Educator, Naknek, AK
“Our programs provide home visiting services to pregnant and parenting youth. We have suspended long home visits, but staff continue to visit families to drop off needed supplies and continue interacting briefly with children who are isolated at home with their parents. We would love the opportunity to bring a book out to every family on one of these brief service visits.” – First Book Educator, Portland, OR

“We are supporting families with grab and go meals and food from a food bank. We are also giving online resources to students so they can keep learning from home . Any books would be a great use to our community during this hard time.” – First Book Educator, Anaheim, CA

At First Book, we recognize that many families and communities are unable to maintain the same standard of learning and are committed to providing 8 million books and education resources to kids in need.

Millions of kids in low-income communities lack the books and supplies they critically need. Together, we can give new books and resources for kids who need them most, to help fuel a love of reading and learning. Click here to transform a life.

image of a young woman laying in the grass, smiling and reading a book. There is light blue boxes with purple text that say, 'Share Your Favorite Summer Read for Our New Online Album. Take a selfie with your favorite summer read and upload it by July 22 to celebrate our First Book family and the work we’re doing together! Send your selfie.'