Our Partners

We are deeply grateful for the support of our generous partners and invite collaboration with other outstanding organizations that care about making a difference on behalf of kids and educators.

The Impact of Our Partnerships

First Book partnerships present new opportunities and solutions, each delivering a unique impact to children in need. Explore how our partnerships have made a difference to children in need since 1992.

I know First Book’s model and I’ve seen the way it delivers powerful results to support its important mission. This is a social enterprise that is well positioned to take the power of its proven model to a global scale.

— John B. Veihmeyer, retired chairman | KPMG International

Ready to Work with Us?

First Book works closely with leading businesses, nonprofits, and individuals to promote equal access to quality education for kids in need. Together, we have distributed more than 250 million new books and learning materials to schools and programs serving children from low-income families. We are deeply grateful for the support of our generous partners and eager to collaborate with other outstanding organizations that care about making a difference on behalf of kids and heroic educators. We would love to explore ways to work together and provide many more books and resources to kids who need them. To learn more about partnering with First Book, email us at partnerships@firstbook.org and start your partnership journey!

adult with a child at a book distribution event
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