The KPMG Family for Literacy (KFFL) & First Book Partnership

Provides Books That Help Kids Become Lifelong Readers

I’ve seen the way First Book’s models deliver powerful results to support its important mission of elevating educational opportunities for children in need. This is a nonprofit social enterprise that is perfectly positioned to take the power of its proven efforts to scale. As a business leader and having worked closely with First Book to create the KPMG Family for Literacy program, I have witnessed the difference these resources can make in the lives of children, and I support bringing the power of this model to every family in need.

–P. Scott Ozanus Chair, KPMG’s Americas region; US Deputy Chairman and Chief Operating Officer KPMG in the U.S.

A Partnership Committed to Educational Equity

KFFL and First Book share a commitment to combatting illiteracy in schools throughout the US.

In collaboration with First Book, the program provides children from low-income families with new and diverse books — and in many cases, their very first book. This partnership began with a focus on education equity, employee volunteerism, and local office support to help eradicate childhood illiteracy. The success of KFFL has been achieved by harnessing the energy and enthusiasm of the extended family including partners, employees, spouses, family members, interns, and retirees, as well as KPMG ambassadors like professional golfers, Stacy Lewis and Mariah Stackhouse, and Olympic Gold Medal gymnast, Laurie Hernandez. Since 2008, KFFL and First Book have provided new and diverse books and educational resources to children in need in more than 100 communities across the United States.


Since 2008

$15.6 Million+
Funds Raised
KPMG Volunteers
6.5 Million+
Books & Other Resources Distributed
Students Served

“The books generously provided to us through KPMG and KFFL help fulfill our mission of closing literacy gaps and getting books into the hands of children who have limited access. Our full volunteer organization takes great pride and joy in distributing books through our Easter basket program, summer camp program, classroom reading program, and REAL tutoring program. The smiles on the children’s faces when they know they get to keep a book are priceless!”

–First Book Educator, PA