First Book Blog

Stories of impact, the latest research, best practices, curated book lists, and more.

How Arts & Crafts Created a Space to Talk and Heal

Posted in: Impact Stories

Today’s guest blogger is Emily Townsend, an Elementary School Counselor at Lowrie Primary School in Wilsonville, Oregon. Last year I worked daily with a fourth grade student whose father passed away right before Christmas break. He grieved mostly internally, and became increasingly distant, disengaged, and behind in school. After feeling... Read more

An Educator’s Campaign to Revitalize Her Library

Posted in: Impact Stories

When Vanessa Cadena entered the library at Bret Harte Middle School this school year, she knew she had a big job ahead of her. It was Vanessa’s first year at the school and the library had not been updated in almost twenty years. Full of damaged and outdated books, Vanessa... Read more

Ways Educators Can Connect With ELL Families

Posted in: For Educators

Today’s guest blogger is Roxana Barillas, Director of Hispanic Engagement at First Book. When I came to the U.S. from El Salvador at age 12, I had no knowledge of English and jumped right into a new school. My mom worked multiple jobs to support my four siblings and me,... Read more

Open eBooks Opens World of Digital Reading to Children

Posted in: Press Room

Major publishers contribute thousands of titles to benefit students in need February 24, 2016 – Open eBooks, a new initiative and e-reader app that will make thousands of popular, top-selling eBooks available to children in need for free, is launching today. First Lady Michelle Obama is releasing a video today... Read more

How One Librarian Uses Food to Keep Kids Learning

Posted in: Impact Stories

“I always tell our kids that they are like cars, motorcycles or trucks,”says Theresa Mai, the librarian at Truscott Elementary in Loveland, Colorado. “We talk about their parents getting fuel for their car – how it can’t run without the right fuel. Their bodies are the same way. Food is... Read more

"They line up outside of the library…"

Posted in: Impact Stories

The kids at Herricks Middle School in Albertson, New York love to learn. In fact, every morning many of them line up outside of the library before school starts, eager to trade in their latest read for a new story. For some of the students, the books they receive at... Read more

The Only Present She’ll Receive This Holiday

Posted in: Impact Stories

Today’s guest blogger is Mollie James, Executive Director of Bruce Irons Camp Fund in Charlotte, North Carolina. Under glowing lights sits a single gift in crisp wrapping paper. Since it arrived at Carolina’s home a few days ago, her hopes have soared. For Carolina, the book that awaits her may... Read more

Why My Students Hide Their Backpacks

Posted in: Impact Stories

Today’s guest blogger is Sheri Dominguez, Media Specialist at Palmview Elementary School in Pompano Beach, Florida. When the final bell rings at Palmview Elementary, some of my students make one stop before heading home – the bushes outside of school. That is where they hide their backpacks for the night.... Read more