Kids Need Books Of All Kinds

Thanks to Jarrett Lerner, author and illustrator, and supporters like you, thousands of kids in low-income communities across the country are receiving new books and resources from First Book.

Lerner is encouraging all to wear their hearts on their sleeves, with a custom designed T-shirt that features the phrase, “Kids Need Books of All Kinds.” Best of all, the shirt helps support First Book’s mission to make that statement a reality for kids in need.

We’re thrilled to see all who are going back to school in style, by showing off their new shirts and their support to help get new books to kids. If you ordered a shirt, we’d love to see it! Post a photo and tag First Book (@FirstBook on Twitter and @FirstBookOrg on Instagram) and @JarrettLerner with the hasthag #ShowMeYourShirt, and you’ll be entered to win books and custom art from Lerner.

It’s hard for us to choose which posted pictures are our favorites. Click here to see every #ShowMeYourShirt post!

To stay connected with Lerner’s work and for more details on the contest, you can find more his website at, on Twitter at @JarrettLerner, and on Instagram at @jarrettlerner.

You can also help twice as many kids get access to books of all kinds with a direct donation to First Book this Back to School season! All gifts through Sept. 13 will be matched dollar-for-dollar by another generous First Book supporter.

Click here to donate to provide education essentials to children in need, and welcome all kids back to school!

image of a young woman laying in the grass, smiling and reading a book. There is light blue boxes with purple text that say, 'Share Your Favorite Summer Read for Our New Online Album. Take a selfie with your favorite summer read and upload it by July 22 to celebrate our First Book family and the work we’re doing together! Send your selfie.'